About Us
Adoption Application
Contact Us
Available Dogs
Boarding Reservation
Are you prepared to incur the monthly/yearly costs of a dog?:
WHERE will the dog be when no one is home on a normal day?
Please list the Age and Gender of all people living in home (including you):
Have you ever relinquished an animals? If so, why?
Thank you for contacting us! If needed, you will hear back within 48-72 hours.
How many hours will the dog spend outside for activity daily?:
Any additional information/details you would like us to know?
Specific dog(s) that you're interested in?:
Please describe the kind of dog you're looking for:
If YES, what size and what type of fencing?
How many hours will the dog spend WITHOUT human supervision during the day?
Have you owned dogs in the past?:
If yes, please describe the breed, age, gender, spayed/neutered?
Do you have a yard?
Please list the Age and Gender of grandkids that visit (if any):
Check here to receive email updates
Are there any other dogs or cats in the home?:
Do you have a fenced pool?:
What type of housing do you live in?
Mobile Living
Retirement Home
Where will the dog be sleeping?:
Please describe your home's activity level.
Low Activity
Moderate Activity
High Activity
If renting, do you have permission from your landlord to keep pets?
Full Address:
Are you renting?
Please provide property manager # if applicable:
AGREEMENT PER CONTRACT: I will abide by the contract and immediately return the dog(s) that I adopted from Kritter Kamp Rescue back to Kritter Kamp Rescue for ANY circumstance if I (the adopter) can no longer care for the dog(s).
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